Outside Bozeman Magazine


Working at Outside Bozeman Media gave me a live look into the world of working in the outdoor publication industry. Being a staff photographer allowed me to develop a variety of skills from Networking to Advertising to developing a publication in the eyes of a photo editor. I met and learned from some incredible people while engaging in the surrounding Bozeman environment practicing some of my favorite skills as a photographer. I've had dozens of photos published by some of Outside Media Groups four publications, most notably including the cover photos of their 2022 Spring and Summer and 2024 Summer Edition of Outside Bozeman.
Bend Magazine

Balance Magazine

Montclair Art Museum
After a trip to Tanzania, Africa, my photo titled 'Through the Eyes of Africa' was acknowledged as a Gold Key Image by the Montclair Art Museum. There, it was hung for 6 months as part of an exhibition. The image captures a young boy's first glace into the lens of a digital camera. For most born into the Masai tribe of Tanzania, there is little digital contact to the outside world.